Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Monday, 18 March 2013

Iconic film: Singing in the rain (1952)


Cantando bajo la lluvia es una de esas películas que te pone de buen humor… de muy buen humor…

Dirigida en 1952 por Gene Kelly y Stanley Donen y protagonizada por el propio Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor y Jean Hagen, narra la historia de un estudio de cine que debe transformar una película muda en una sonora puesto que la llegada del cine sonoro ha revolucionado la industria. La película está interpretada por Don Lockwood (Kelly) que ha llegado a la cima con mucho esfuerzo y sacrificio y gracias a la inestimable ayuda de su amigo Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor). Pero resulta que la protagonista femenina Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) posee una voz horrible por lo que deben doblarla. La actriz escogida es Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds) quien posee una voz prodigiosa. Y claro, Don acaba enamorándose perdidamente de ella…

La película cuenta con números musicales inolvidables como la famosísima escena donde Kelly canta “Singing in the rain” bajo una intensa lluvia.

El vestuario que corrió a cargo de Walter Plunkett (Lo que el viento se llevó, Siete novias para siete hermanos) es un deleite para la vista tanto por su colorido como por sus geniales diseños recreando los locos años 20.

¿Sabíais qué?

- ¿La lluvia de la famosa escena era una mezcla de agua y leche para que las cámaras de la época la captasen mejor?
- ¿Debbie Reynolds acabó con los pies sangrando tras el rodaje del número “Good morning” y agotada por el durísimo entrenamiento al que le sometió Gene Kelly durante el rodaje?
- ¿Donald O’Connor tuvo que ser ingresado por agotamiento tras su intenso número “Make ‘em laugh”?
- ¿La escena del baile de seducción entre Kelly y Cyd Charisee tuvo que cortarse debido a su alto contenido erótico para aquella época?

Si no la habéis visto ¡es un clásico que nos os podéis perder!
¡Feliz inicio de semana!

Singing in the Rain is one of those films that puts you in a good mood… a very good mood…

Directed in 1952 by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen and starred by Kelly himself, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor and Jean Hagen, it tells the story of a cinema company which has to turn a silent film into a talkie. The film is starred by Don Lockwood (Kelly) who has became famous thanks to his effort, sacrifice and the help of his dearest friend Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor). But it turns out that the feminine star Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) has a terrible voice and for that reason she must be dubbed. The chosen actress is Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds) who has a marvellous voice. Of course, Don ends up falling in love with her…

The film counts with unforgettable musical numbers such as “Singing in the rain”, where Kelly dances and sings under a heavy rain.

The wardrobe was in charge of Walter Plunkett (Gonewith the wind, Seven brides for Seven brothers) and its delicious due to its colours and designs recreating the crazy 20’s.

Did you know that?

- The rain of the famous scene was mixed with milk so that the cameras of that time could catch it better?
- Debbie Reynolds ended up with her feet bleeding after the performance of “Good morning” and exhausted due to the intense training Kelly submitted her to?
- Donald O’Connor had to be hospitalized after his intense performance in the number “Make ‘em laugh”?
- The seduction dance between Kelly and Cyd Charisse was cut a bit ‘cause it was considered highly erotic for that time?

A great classic that you can’t miss!!
Happy beginnig of the week!!






  1. It is a fabulous film and that is so interesting what you say about them using milk in the rain scenes - great idea and worked really well!

  2. Great movie! Have a nice Monday dear!


  3. Love this movie since a child. So great & iconic. Have a wonderful week my flower xox

  4. lovely movie! sooo cheerful!

    (dear, google reader is shutting down so please make sure that you follow my blog through bloglovin' as well.
    thank you <3)

  5. I love this kind of Hollywood movies! Unfortunately I haven't seen this one yet but fortunately that gives me something to look forward to!


  6. thanks for sharing dear

  7. looks nice but I didnt see it. I need to. Have a great monday.

  8. este clásico es imprescindible :)

  9. Me encantan los clásicos y este en concreto no lo he visto...Beso

  10. Me encanta!.. yo creo que he visto la mayoría de los clásicos que se pueden ver, y eso que el musical no es mi género favorito, pero es que esta película es tan agradable!.. Esa cancioncita nos acompañará siempre!.

    Besitos guapa!



    RUTH A.

  12. It's what everyone is saying..but not for a while I believe! I think it's silly really. It makes a big hassle for bloggers to keep up and readers to know where everything is!! Ahh...very sweet...I will bring back the quotes next week ;) Promise!! xoxox

  13. Such a fun fact about the rain and milk!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  14. What a lovely and interesting post! And I'm in love with old Hollywood movies, too <3 ... There's nothing like great Divas like Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, ... Kisses from Vienna, Katja

  15. Que buena recomendación y muy interesantes las anecdotas. Bss.

  16. enamorada del cine musical que decirte de esta pelicula, me encanta y disfruto un montón con ella.


  17. Te puedes creer que no la he visto? No tengo perdón! De este finde no pasa! ;)

  18. Nice post dear, Mixing with the milk.. aw it's somuch good taste rain:D
    But overall, I adore the dancing somuch preety..

    followed you. be glad if you follow me back dear


  19. Que linda peli! No tenia ni idea de lo de agua con leche...Wow!

  20. I've actually never seen this film in full before, just some of the singing sequences, I am really interested to watch it now.


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