Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Look of the day: Shopping with mum

El pasado sábado me fui de compras con mi madre. Me encanta hacerlo porque cuando va conmigo siempre acaba comprándose alguna pieza que no se compraría si fuera sola… ¡¡me gusta que arriesgue un poco con su estilo!!

Para la ocasión escogí una falda larga de Etxart & Panno que compré hace años (¡y la verdad es que me encanta!), con una camiseta básica en tono azul y un cazadora tejana. Creo que el azul y el amarillo suave crean una  combinación muy fresca e ideal para esta época del año.

Por cierto las fotos me las hizo mi madre y no os podéis imaginar el show: “Levanta la cabeza”, “Hombros atrás”, “¡Patri esa pose no me gusta!”, “Mueve los pies, que así quedan feos”, “Coloca la piernas de otra forma que así se ven torcidas”… ¡¡Yo me parto con ella!! Jajajajaja…

Bueno, al menos las fotos no quedan tan mal ¿¿no??
¡¡Feliz martes y gracias por vuestros comentarios!!

Last Saturday I went shopping with my mum. I love doing it ‘cause when she’s with me she always buys pieces that would never buy by her own… I like her to take risks when it comes to dressing!!

For that day I worn a long Etxart & Panno skirt that I bought years ago (and to be honest I love it!), with a basic t-shirt in light blue and a denim jacket. I do believe that blue and soft yellow is a very refreshing and ideal combination for this time of the year.

BTW, pictures were taking by my mom and I’m sure you can’t imagine the “show”: “Raise your head”, “Shoulders back”, “Patri I don’t like that pose!”, "Move your feet, they look ugly the way they are…”, “Place your legs otherwise”… I always split a gut when she takes me pictures!!!

Well at least they don’t look so bad, right??
Happy Tuesday ladies and thanks for your comments!!

T-shirt: Primark (New season)
Skirt: Etxart & Panno (old)
Denim jacket and clutch: Blanco (old)
Belt: Mum's vintage
Bracelet: H&M (last year)
Necklace: Accessorize (new season)
Sandals: Local shop (old)

Fashion tip: Si queréis llevar falda larga con zapato plano y no sois muy altas un buen truco es llevar un cinturón estrecho que os defina la cintura de forma que no parezcáis una “columna andante”… ;-)

Fashion tip: If you want to wear a long skirt with flats and you’re not very tall a good tip is to wear a narrow belt to define your waist so you won’t look like a “walking column”… ;-) 



  1. I love these colors together! Great fashion tip too!


  2. che bella la gonna!!

  3. Ai qué fotógrafa más exigente ... !!!. Buen look; ideal para Qatar!

  4. Hola preciosa nos encanta tu estilo!!! es total!!!! te seguimos y te esperamos en

  5. You look great!
    I like these colours. :)
    I like your maxi skirts.

  6. Such a pretty casual outfit! I really like the color combination of blue and yellow.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm now following you on Bloglovin. Can't wait to see what you wear next!

    <3 Jenny

  7. Love the skirt!! :-)


  8. Love this casual outfit, great colors!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  9. Thanx for following...Following back :)...Would be glad if we can connect at Chicisimo too

    My Chicisimo Page

  10. love this outfit... i love your blog..
    would you like to follow each other??
    i follow you on GFC...
    byeee :)

  11. love how you paired the different colors together!


    wardrobe girls

  12. hahah my mom used to yell at me for slouching ALL the time!!!


  13. Patricia, your mom sounds like mine! When she is taking my pictures...that is boring pose, do something else. The foot is off balance, you always smile like that, come on let's go! Hurry up!!! HAHA... Love the outfit, and you'll see the vintage jewelry in a few weeks. I just bought the pieces this past wknd and I'll photograph for July in a few weeks.

  14. That is so funny, can't stop laughing - I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if my Mom had to take our pictures, She'll have so much to say and we'll end up with nothing lol.
    Great outfit, love the layering and those sandals are just fab.

    Have a great day.

  15. Esa falda es genial y cuenta con la ventaja de que se puede combinar de un millón de maneras. Tu elección es perfecta. Encantada de conocer tu blog ;)

  16. Lovely! Casual glam, perfect for a day out!

    xo Rachel

  17. Your sandals are the most beautiful things, ever!


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