Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Cold has arrived

Si el frío ya está aquí. Y con él llega el cambio de looks ¡por fin! Aunque confieso que me da un poco de pereza al principio, también me ilusiona estrenar las nuevas prendas de temporada.

¿A vosotras no os pasa lo mismo?
¡Feliz miércoles chicas!

Yes, cold has arrived. And with it, the winter clothes at least! Eventough at first I feel a bit lazy, I'm happy 'cause now I can finally begin to wear the new looks of the season.

Does it also happen to you?
Happy Wednesday ladies! 

Skirt, denim shirt and cardigan: Blanco (old)
Booties: Bruno Premi (last season)
Belt: Mango
Panties: Calzedonia
Bag: Bimba y Lola
Watch: Nixon
Jewelry: Local shops 


Monday, 29 October 2012

Just for laughs

Muchas de mis amigas me preguntan que como es posible que salga tan guapa en todas las fotos del blog. Yo les contesto que para salir perfecta en unas cuantas, antes hay que disparar muchas en las no siempre sales...digamos... tan favorecida... 

Por eso el post de hoy va dedicado a esas fotos que todas preferimos que nadie vea nunca... Por que ¿qué sería la vida sin un poco de sentido del humor? 

¡Chicas espero haberos arrancado una sonrisa en este inicio de semana!  

Many friends of mine ask me how is it possible that I always look beautiful in my blog pictures'. I answer them that before taking THE PERFECT picture, you have to take many where...let's say it... you don't look so flattering...

That's why today's post is dedicated to all those pictures I'd rather prefer to hide... But, what's life without a bit of humor??

Hope I've managed to get a smile out of you in this begining of the week ladies!! 

Super sexy pose!

Baaaad hair

One, two...three! 

Buff... this is exhausting...

Sexy feet again...

Telling nonsenses to my nephews...

Are you talking to me??

Without any favorite!! LOL


Friday, 26 October 2012

The IT-list (October 26th)

¡Feliz fin de semana chicas! 
¿Algún plan especial para estos días?

Happy weekend ladies! 
Any special plan for these days?

  • Living After Midnite is showing us the difference between polka dots and animal spots! Paired with a fab green bag, this is one cute look! (find Living After Midnite on Twitter!)
  • Peach Gingham is rocking some colorful printed pants and pairing them with even more color in her shoes! Love this look - a must see! (find Peach Gingham on Twitter!)
  • The Glossy Life shows us how to make our own Kate Spade inspired dishes - head over for the rundown on this easy and glamorous DIY! (find The Glossy Life on Twitter!)
  • Olive and an Arrow is gearing up for Halloween by incorporating a few spooky symbols into her wardrobe - a stylish way to be festive! Go check it out! (find Olive and an Arrow on Twitter!)
  • My Fashionlate Life is shelling out ideas for a celebrity inspired Halloween costume - pop over to check out who it is and how easy it is to recreate! (find My Fashionlate Life on Twitter!)
  • Miss Top Ten Image is keeping it simple in a matchy matchy monochromatic look - a lovely break from of all of the pattern mixing this season! (find Miss Top Ten Image on Twitter!)
  • Urban Frill adds some masculinity to a frilly ruffled tunic with a closet staple - the denim jacket! It really does go with everything! (find Urban Frill on Twitter!)
  • Rachel Coletta found a new favorite sweater that is long, comfortable and has pockets - what more could you ask for? Pop over to see where she found it! (find Rachel Coletta on Twitter!)
  • My Thrifty Chic plays with color and pairs purple and red for a sassy unexpected look! You also have to go read about the hooker hotel! I know you are curious! (find My Thrifty Chic on Twitter!)
  • Lipstick and Lollies dresses warm for a day of bicycling around the city! A perfect casual fall look with lots of color!
  • Bon Chic Bon Gastronomique keeps it casual in neutrals but adds in some fun color with a gorgeous statement necklace! So cute! (find Bon Chic Bon Gastronomique on Twitter!)
  • Glitzy Blues is ready for gameday in her team's colors, but this is no typical tailgating outfit! Such a stylish look with tons of school pride! (find Glitzy Blues on Twitter!)
  • Fashion Fixation is carrying neon into fall and makes quite the statement with lime green and hot pink - so fun! (find Fashion Fixation on Twitter!)
  • Second Street East fell in love with the black and white tile in a beautiful bathroom and is using it as inspiration for an outfit and a room look! Lots of great pieces to choose from! (find Second Street East on Twitter!)
  • Sweetie Pie Style is dishing out tips on how to make our skirts work for fall! Head over for an easy to follow formula and to see what key pieces help this warm weather staple transition to cooler temps! (find Sweetie Pie Style on Twitter!)
the IT list is brought to you weekly by Jill of Good Life and edited by Michelle of Second Street East.
For more information on how you can be involved - click here

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Matchy, matchy

Lo cierto es que ante tanta tendencia de mezclar colores, estampados y tejidos de vez en cuando se agradece un poco de sencillez y armonía ... ¿no creéis chicas?

¡Feliz jueves!

PD: Os prometo que la falda es lila (como el bolso y los zapatos) pero se empeña en salir azul en las fotos...;-)

With all the trendy mix of patterns, colors and textures all over the fashion world from time to time one appreciates a touch of simplicity and harmony... don't you agree ladies?

Happy Thursday!

PS: I promise you the skirt is purple (just like the bag and pumps) but she persists in appearing blue in the pictures... ;-)

Skirt: H&M (last season)
Sweater: Blanco
Blouse: Clips More
Bag: Uterqüe
Shoes: Primark (the most uncomfortable shoes in the world!!)
Brooch and pearls: Vintage

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Pencil skirt + sweatshirt

Sin duda la falda lápiz con sudadera es la combinación trendy de la temporada y este es mi primer look llevándola. La falda de Zara fue amor a primera vista y os aseguro que la vais a ver mucho por el blog. 

En esta ocasión decidí llevarla con una sudadera vintage con lentejuelas bordadas (herencia de mi madre), su bolso Fendi y añadí un toque de color con unos zapatos "kitten heels" (¡tan de moda también esta temporada!) 

El toque final lo añaden los pendientes de Anna dello Russo para H&M.

¿Vosotras ya habéis probado esta combinación?
¿Os gusta o no va con vuestro estilo?

Without any doubt the pencil skirt combined with a sweatshirt is one of the trends of the season. This is my first “attempt”. The Zara skirt was love at first sight and you’ll see it a lot on the blog!

This time I decided to wear it with my mum’s embellished vintage sweatshirt (so unique!!) and her Fendi bag. I added a touch of color with a pair of royal blue kitten heels (another of the trends of the season!)

The final touch: Anna dello Russo for H&M baroque earrings.

Have you already wear this combo?
Do you like it or it is not your style?

 Skirt: Zara (new season)
Sweatshirt: Vintage
Bag: Fendi (Mum's vintage)
Shoes: Magoblan
Earrings: Anna dello Russo for H&M

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The look I wore for the Liu Jo opening

Tal y como os prometí ayer , hoy os muestro en detalle el look que llevé para la inauguración de la boutique Liu Jo en Barcelona.

Escogí un pantalón capri de encaje de Mango (que ya me habéis visto aquí y aquí) pero esta vez decidí combinarlo con mi blusa de print leopardo de Zara (vista aquí por última vez) y un cardigan amarillo de Blanco.  El maxibolso también en azul y los zapatos en nude son los accesorios que escogí en esta ocasión.
¿Qué os parece chic@s?
¡Gracias por vuestros comentarios!  

As I promised you yesterday, today I show you in detail the look I wore for the Liu Jo opening boutique in Barcelona.
I chose a Mango cropped pant (that you already have seen here and here) but this time I decided to combine it with my Zara leopard print blouse (shown here for the last time) and a yellow cardigan from Blanco. The maxi bag in night blue and the nude heels were the accesories I picked for that occasion.

What do you think ladies? 
Thanks for your comments!!

Lace pants: Mango
Blouse: Zara (old)
Cardigan: Blanco
Shoes: Cuple
Bag: Italian outlet
Watch: Nixon
Jewelry and ring (left hand) Local shops
Tiger ring (right hand): Primark


Sunday, 21 October 2012

Saturday rain

Este fin de semana se esperaban lluvias fuertes en Barcelona .Y así ha sido, pero por suerte el sábado por la mañana el tiempo nos dio una tregua y mi madre y yo nos fuimos de compras. Opté por un conjunto muy típico para día de lluvia: tejanos pitillo, gabardina y zapatos cerrados (en este caso de estilo Oxford). El cinturón ajustado permite crear un look con cierto aire “New Look” de Dior que me encanta.

Hoy siguen las lluvias por lo que toca estar tranquilos en casa y aprovechar para trabajar un poquito.
¿Qué os parece chic@s?
¿Qué planes tenéis para este domingo?
¡Un beso fuerte!

This weekend heavy rains were expected in Barcelona. And it has been so. Fortunately on Saturday morning the weather let up for a moment and mum and I went shopping. I opted for a typical look for a rainy day: skinny jeans, a trench and Oxford shoes. The belt cinching the waist gives a certain Dior “New Look" style that I adore.

Today more rains are expected so its time to stay at home working a little.   

What do you think ladies?
What are your plans for this Sunday?

Trench: Ethic (old) 
Jeans: Local shop
Oxfords: Laura Amat
Watch: Nixon (similar here and here)
Jewelry and belt: Local shops

Friday, 19 October 2012

The IT-list !! (October, 19th)

Y ahí vamos un viernes más con la IT list editada por Jill (Good life for Less).
¡Disfrutarla y que paséis un feliz fin de semana! 
(Por aquí nos esperan muuuuchas lluvias...)

And here we go again ladies! Another new edition of the IT-list edited by Jill (Good life for Less)
 Enjoy it and happy weekend!! 
(Here we expect heaaaavy rain...)

  • Lipstick and Lollies is sporting the epitome of a fall outfit - boots, denim and layers. There is even some stripe on stripe action going on! So cute!
  • Sweetest Somethings isn't letting the cold weather dull her wardrobe choices - lots of fun bright colors in this chic look! (find Sweetest Somethings on Twitter!)
  • Olivia Moone is finally able to wear a sweater this season and makes a bold color choice! And don't forget to check out her shoes - perfect all year long! (find Olivia Moone on Twitter!)
  • Everyday with a Redhead recreated a J.Crew look that is perfect for the office! No boring black suits here - tons of color and a little leopard!
  • Lily Says Go goes all out in the color of the season! Head over to find out how she mixes different shades of burgundy for a fabulous look! (find Lily Says Go on Twitter!)
  • Living After Midnite is mixing animal prints for a wild but polished look! Go check out what small detail she is mixing with a fab leopard blouse! Love! (find Living After Midnite on Twitter!)
  • Peach Gingham is mixing prints and balancing it out with denim and leather. Throw in some fun jewels and this is one awesome look! (find Peach Gingham on Twitter!)
  • Ash 'n' Fashn is starting to mix in some new fall pieces with her summer favorites - head over to see how she is pulling off lace this late in the game! So cute! (find Ash 'n' Fashn on Twitter!)
  • The Glossy Life is showing us an easy new hairdo to try at home - the braid is back! Pop over for the full rundown! (find The Glossy Life on Twitter!)
  • Olive and an Arrow is rocking her favorite cold weather staple - the blazer! She also has some tips on how to stock your closet with this essential - go check them out! (find Olive and an Arrow on Twitter!)
  • Miss Top Ten Image throws on a tweed jacket and statement pearls for an instant sophisticated look - and the color combo is seriously fabulous! (find Miss Top Ten Image on Twitter!)
  • Urban Frill is pulling out the pencil skirt for a few busy weeks ahead! Love how she paired it with tights and flats - a great fall look! (find Urban Frill on Twitter!)
  • Rachel Coletta is on a boots and tights kick lately and is pairing them with a plaid mini skirt this week - so cute! And you'll never believe where she found her boots! (find Rachel Coletta on Twitter!)
  • Second Street East is taking inspiration for a room and outfit from a mexican blanket - so many possible color combos! Head over to check out her finds on her new site! (find Second Street East on Twitter!)
  • Sweetie Pie Style shares her top picks for one of fall's must have items - the contrast sleeve jacket! There is something for everyone! (find Sweetie Pie Style on Twitter!)
the IT list is brought to you weekly by Jill of Good Life and edited by Michelle of Second St. East.
For more information on how you can be involved - click here

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Aunque soy una adicta confesa al color, de vez en cuando también me gusta vestir con tonos más suaves porque aportan dulzura, cercanía, calidez... Así que el look de hoy es suave, suave...

¿A vosotras os gustan estos tonos?
¡¡Feliz jueves chic@s!!

Even though I'm addicted to color, from time to time I also enjoy wearing soft tones as they "communicate" sweetness, closeness, warmth... So today's look is soft, soft...

Do you like those tones?
Happy Thursday ladies!!

Jeans: Local shop
Blouse: Local market (3 €!!!)
Cardigan: Blanco
Bag: Bimba y Lola
Shoes: Billi Bi (similar here)
Watch: Nixon (similar here
Necklace: Local shop 
Bracelets: Local shop (similar here and here)


Tuesday, 16 October 2012


A veces un chaqueta estilo Chanel y un par de collares vistosos son más que suficientes para convertir el outfit más sencillo en un look sofisticado y chic... 

¡Buenos días y feliz martes chicas!

Sometimes a Chanelesque jacket and a pair of statement necklaces are enough to make a simple outfit look sophisticated and chic...

Good morning and happy Tuesday ladies!!

Jacket: Blanco (last season)
Pants: Dinou by Jofré
T-shirt: Primark
Necklaces: Forever21 (similar here and here)
Bag: Italian outlet 
Shoes: Magoblan

Monday, 15 October 2012


¡Buenos días chic@s! Hoy os enseño mi primer look con el collar de Anna dello Russo para H&M que os mostraba en el post de ayer.

¿Qué os parece?
¡Feliz inicio de semana!

Good morning ladies! Today I show you the first look with my new Anna dello Russo for H&M necklace that I already showed you in yesterday’s post

What do you think?
Happy beginning of the week!

Yes, it was a bit windy guys!!!

Trench: Vintage
Jeans: Topshop
Sweater: Primark
Bag: Uterqüe (old)
Necklace: Anna dello Russo for H&M
Ballerinas: Local market
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