Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Monday, 7 May 2012

My trip to London (III): the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral

The Tower of London
Siguiendo con nuestro viaje a Londres, el domingo le tocó el turno a la Torre de Londres donde custodian las joyas de la corona (¡nos os podéis perder esta visita!), el puente de Londres  y la catedral de St. Paul (otro de los monumentos de visita obligatoria). Por la tarde paseamos por el barrio chino y Picadilly que como podéis  observar estaba hasta la bandera…¡y más allá! Jajajaja

Y con este se acabaron los post del viaje con día grises, lluvia y frío.  ¡¡¡Partir de ahora sol y looks SÓLO de primavera!!! ;-)

¡Feliz lunes chic@s y gracias por vuestros comentarios!

Following with our trip to London,  on Sunday it was the turn to the Tower of London where the crown jewels are kept (you can’t absolutely miss them!!), the London Bridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral  (another of the monuments that require a mandatory visit). In the evening we wander around Chinatown and Picadilly, that was crowded as you can see… to infinity and beyond!!  

And with this post I finish with my trip to London. Enough from grey days, cold and rain. From now on just sun and summer looks!!!  ;-)

Happy Monday guys and thanks for your comments!!

Inside the Tower with the London Bridge at my back
Recreation of the Royal bedroom
In the throne room with my dad

Al mal tiempo buena cara!! // When the going gets tough, the tough get going!!

The magnificent St. Paul

Time for lunch!!
With St. Paul at my back

One of the best (and oldest) candy shops in London: Hardys

London is full of beautiful shopping arcades

Picadilly Circus
I was wearing
Jeans and boots: Blanco (new season)
Parka: Zara
Leather jacket: Vintage
White T-shirt and scarf: H&M
Lilac t-shirt: Primark (new season)
Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Necklace: Lannel
Beret: DIY 



  1. I love London!!!!!


  2. I will definitely have to back track and read your other posts. I've always wanted to go to London. Glad you had a fabulous time! These pics are GREAT!

  3. Oh my gosh this trip looked amazing!!! Lovely photos! I can't wait to visit London one day! xoxo A-

  4. muy xulo el blog..acabamos de decubrirlo y nos encanta..ya somos fans! enhorabuena!

  5. I hope to visit London one day! It looks about as cold and rainy as it is in Chicago right now! The candy shop looks SO good too!

  6. Hola preciosa muy buenas tardes, que bonitas fotos de tu viaje, que ganitas tengo de un viaje así.
    Y tu guapísima me encantó la forma de combinar cada prenda para estar abrigada y cómoda.
    un besazo fuerte.

  7. Love trip photos. Follow you back my dear!

    Take care,



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