Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Iconic wedding dresses

Esta semana sólo se habla de la gran boda real entre Katherine y Guillermo de Inglaterra. Así que como homenaje, voy a hacer un pequeño repaso de los que considero algunos de los vestidos de novia más famosos de toda la historia de la moda. 

These week is all about the Royal Wedding of Katherine and William. As a tribute I’ve selected what in my opinion are some of the most famous wedding dresses of fashion history.  

Grace Kelly- Without any doubt she’s my favorite.  Not only she exudes class and elegance but also poise, charm and sweetness.

Jackie Kennedy - A princess gown for a fairy tale wedding

Audrey Hepbrun – She married twice. I thing the first dress fitted better her body shape and personality

Elizabeth Taylor – She married 7 times but this one was her very first wedding dress.

Carolyn Bessette – Thought I’m not a big fan of minimalism, this dress was HER

Diana Spencer- Poor little thing… She looked like a meringue!!!

Princess Rania - Fortunately her style has evolved over the years.

Princess Letizia - I personally think she looked beautiful.


  1. Ostres jo els trobo tots hiper recarregats (excepte el de Carolyn Bessette que no pot ser més simple) Pero dins del recarregament em quedo amb el de Grace Kelly, eso si masses puntilletes pel meu gust jajaj :D

  2. Si wapa, però pensa que era la moda d’aquella época!!
    Personalment m’encanta el de la Grace. És ideal per una princesa!

  3. jo mirant alguns per internet el que m'agrada es el de victoria de suecia senzillet i sense masses complicacions.. :D

  4. the wedding today was so amazing !

    I follow you now and i'd be happ if you check out my blog and follow back please ;) !

    xx FashionGirl

  5. haha now you can add a new one! ;)


  6. Thank you Fashion girl! Sure, I'll visit your blog back!!

    And stay tuned cause I'm preparing a beautiful post about the royal wedding!!



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