Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Be pretty on a tight budget

En calidad de asesora de imagen, muchas veces no sólo tengo que asesorar a mis clientes a nivel de indumentaria, si no en otros aspectos como son los tratamientos de belleza, la comunicación o las habilidades sociales.

Por lo que respecta a la belleza, me gusta decir a mis clientas que para estar guapa no es necesario gastarse una fortuna en cremas y productos de marca. El mercado ofrece una amplia gama de productos que prometen grandes resultados a precios modestos. ¡Y lo consiguen! Eso sí: la constancia y unos buenos hábitos de vida son la clave del éxito.

As an image consultant, many times I have to advice my customers not only about clothes, but also about beauty treatments, communication or etiquette.

And concerning beauty products, there’s one thing you can be sure of: it is not necessary to spend a fortune on expensive creams or products. Many brands offer products that promise great results at a very modest prices.And they work! However there are two things you must keep in mind: perseverance and good habits are the key for success.

My favourites are:

Mousse nettoyante lumière (L'Occitane) - 18 €

Gel Bust Amande (L'Occitane) - 30 €

Lipocils Expert (Talika) - 36 €  //  Believe it or not your lashes will be longer, darker and sexiest in just 28 days. It sounds amazing, but it's true!!

Eye Detox Contour Gel (Talika) - 29 €  // Erase dark rings and reduces eye bags
Gold Serum (Deliplus) - 9 €
Gold Progress Night Cream (Deliplus) - 9 €

Anticelulítico Extreme (Deliplus) - 7 € // A real "fat eater"!!



  1. Eso eso!! low cost!!! :) Per cert potser es obvi però pq serveix el primer producte que poses? Mousse nettoyante lumière (L'Occitane)

  2. És per netajar-se el cutis i/o desmaquillar-se. Una passada!!!

  3. The first one is great! Nice bloog!

  4. I encorage you to keep on writting! ;)

  5. Thanks Carlota! That's very sweet of you...!!! I'll certainly will !! ;)


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