Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Casual look :: Soft colors and blue backpack

Camisa tejana con tejano skinny, colores suaves, una mochila en tono azul bebé y una chaqueta de punto grueso crean un look ideal para esos días o fines de semana en los que el frío aún está presente....

A denim blouse worn with skinny jeans, soft colors, a baby blue backpack and a comfy knit jacket make an ideal look for those chilly days or weekends...

Denim blouse: H&M (sold out. Super cute for spring this stripped one )
Jeans: H&M
Backpack: Zara (Super similar here. Loving this one from the new season)
Knit jacket : Mulaya (sold out. Similar here ) 
Belt and booties: Local shop

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