Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Mad about Mad Men

Las (y los) amantes de Mad Men estamos de enhorabuena porque ya ha salido a  la venta el pack la cuarta temporada.

Adoro esta serie de culto y todo lo relacionado con ella: su argumento , la construcción de los personajes, los actores que los encarnan, la ambientación, la época…¡y como no su vestuario!. La diseñadora  Janie Bryant (que ya se llevó un Emmy al mejor vestuario por Deadwood) junto con el perfeccionista Matthew Weiner (creador de la serie) han conseguido, para mi gusto,  una serie visual y estéticamente perfecta. Nada está fuera de lugar; nada sobra ni nada falta.

¿La habéis visto? ¿Qué opináis?

All Mad Men lovers are in luck because the fourth season DVD pack is now on the market.  

I simply adore this cult series and everything related to it: the plot, the characters, the actors who play them, the art design, the period where it takes place…and of course the wardrobe! The fashion designer  Janie Bryant (who was already awarded with an Emmy for Outstanding Costumes in Deadwood) along with the perfectionist Matthew Weiner (the creator) have achieve, from my point of view, a series which is visually an aesthetically perfect. Nothing is out of place; nothing is left over, nothing is missed.

Have you seen it? What do you think about it?

The incredibly handsome (and also unfaithful) Don Draper (Jon Hamm)

The sweet and perfect Betty Draper (January Jones)

One of Janie's inspiration for Betty's wardrobe was Grace Kelly

Stunning dress for a night that ends in a nightmare...

This is one of my favourite dresses. It is so Fellini-esque!!
Amazing italian style updo!

The voluptuous secretary Joanie (Christina Hendricks)

As you can appreciate she is always dressed in bold colours to accentuate her power has Office Manager



  1. I have never watched this drama, but your amazing photos are convincing me I should. :)

    The Cat Hag

  2. Believe me Addie: you won't be disappointed!!


  3. Hello Patricia!!

    Thank you so much for your very sweet message!

    To be honest, I cannot believe it I am going to Florence for LUISAVIAROMA!! I am so new in this field - fashion blogging that is - and one minute I sent my participation and the other I had totally forgotten all about it!!! I had no expectations honestly:) I am new and shy!!:)

    Hopefully, I wil get tons of photos for all of you to see:):)

    The other thing I am happy about is visiting Florence! I 've never been there! (Paris, yes:))

    What an experience it must be!!


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