Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


 Jeans: Mango // Sweater: Chicwish c/o (also in navy, pink and grey)  // Shoes: Clarks - sold out (similar here and here) // Beret: HM-old (super similar here and here)

Ya en mitad de la semana y muy contenta porque hoy tengo el día libre así que... ¡intentaré disfrutar todo lo que pueda!
Feliz miércoles preciosas

 Middle of the week and very  happy because I have a day off today. So I'll try to enjoy as much as possible!

Have a great Monday lovelies

Mango // Sweater: Chicwish c/o (also in navy, pink and grey)  // Shoes: Clarks - sold out (similar here and here) // Beret: HM-old (super similar here and here)


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