Fashion style & beauty tips for women over 40

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Iconic film: Dirty Dancing (1987)

¿¿Cómo es posible que aún no os haya hablado de Dirty Dancing?? Fue uno de los films icónicos de los 80 y la película que convirtió a Patrick Swayze (que en paz descanse) en un todo sex symbol de su época. (¡¡Aún suspiro por él cada vez que la veo!!)  

Dirigida por Emile Ardolino en 1987 y protagonizada por Patrick Swayze (Johnny Castle) y Jennifer Grey (Baby Houseman) narra la historia de amor de un experto profesor de baile con una idealista e inocente adolescente. Ambos coinciden en un hotel de montaña durante las vacaciones de verano: ella como huésped, él cómo profesor y bailarín del centro. Cuando la joven ve al bailarín, queda prendada de él a pesar de las diferencias sociales entre ambos y se forma entre los dos una atmósfera cómplice a través del baile. Cuando una situación comprometida le aleja de su padre, Baby y Johnny inician un camino juntos en el que ella descubre el sexo y él el amor y la confianza.

La película, que se centra en los principios de la década de los 60, resalta las diferencias entre la clase trabajadora y la media-alta norteamericana, el comienzo de la ruptura de las «normas sociales» y el despertar de la libertad sexual.

Dirty Dancing se rodó con un bajísimo presupuesto y los recursos imprescindibles pero resultó un auténtico bombazo en taquilla. La canción (I've had) The time of my life ganó el Oscar y el Globo de Oro de aquel año y vendió millones de copias consiguiendo dos discos de platino. Además  la mítica frase “No permitiré que nadie te arrincone” ha quedado grabada a fuego en nuestra memoria.  

Aún recuerdo el verano que la estrenaron: ¡¡quedé tan extasiada que al día siguiente volví a verla!! 

¡¡Así que a disfrutar de nuevo con sus imágenes  y sobre todo con el vídeo final chicas!!
Decirme ¿qué recuerdos os trae? ;-)

How is it possible that I still haven't talked you about Dirty Dancing?? It was one of the iconic films of the 80's and the one that make Patrick Swayze became a sex symbol. (I still long for him each time I watch it!!)

Directed by Emile Ardolino in 1987 and starred by Patrick Swayze (Johnny  Castle) and Jennifer Garner (Baby Houseman) it tells the love story of an expert dance teacher (and gigolo!!) with an innocent and young high class girl. They both met the summer of ‘63 in a mountain resort: she’s a guest and he’s a dance teacher. Besides their different lives, the dance creates a intimate atmosphere between the couple that helps them to discover sex, love and confidence.

The film, set in the 60’s, underline the differences between the working and the middle-high north American class, the beginning of the social conventions breaking-off  and the awakening of the sexual liberty.  

Dirty Dancing was filmed with a super low budget but it became a massive box office hit. The song (I’ve had) The time of my life won both the Golden Globe and the Academy Award for Best Original Song and generated two multi-platinum albums. Besides, the iconic sentence: “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” is impossible to remove from our memory.

I still remember the summer I watched it for the first time: I was so amazed that I came back next day to watch it again!!

Now it’s time to enjoy again its images and the final video!!
Tell me ladies, what memories it brings to you??

Source: Clothes on film, Google, Youtube


  1. Yo era bastante "pequeña" cuando la vi por primera vez, por lo que me pareció de lo más picante, jajajaja. Y ahora, cada vez que la dan por la tele la dejo aunque esté a punto de acabar (¡¡el baile final es lo mejor!!)

  2. Thanks for your sweet comment, i would be happy if we could follow each other! Im following you now via google:)

    Have a nice day!

    - Alice

  3. ¡Uf! que recuerdos...sin duda fue "lo más" en su momento. Aunque yo soy más de Fash dance ¿la recuerdas?

  4. Adore that movie...just so sad that he's passed away now and she changed her nose. Thought she was so pretty in this movie!! Happy Friday doll, have a super weekend xx

  5. me chifla esta peli¡¡ la he visto mil veces¡¡ mil besos guapa y a disfrutar del finde¡¡ :-)

  6. Hola! tienes un blog estupendo! te sigo desde ya vía GFC y Bloglovin! te invito a que visites mi blog y si te gusta me haría mucha ilusión de que me sigas tu también! un beso! te espero!

  7. OMG all those pictures make me want to watch this again - such an awesome movie!


  8. I love this movie :) I'm following you now :)

  9. bom dia
    eu adoro esse filme =)
    sexta-feira êhh!!
    ótimo fim de semana pra vc amore
    super beijo♥
    venha ver meu corpete
    e escolher um pra vc

  10. Dirty Dancing is one of those movies that I stop and watch everytime I see it come on tv! It is such a classic and I love it!


  11. This movie is one of my all time favorites! You are so right about it being iconic! I haven't seen it in about 6months and I'm totally over due to watch it! Thanks for reminding me xx

  12. adore this film! :)
    also you can visit my site
    thank you xx

  13. I've heard so much about this mvoie, but I've never seen it!
    Material Fixations

  14. I agree, this is a great movie, love it!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  15. great movie.
    I love your blog! Please check out my blog, maybe we can follow each other. I'm following you now!

  16. dirty dancing is one of my all time favorite movies. the clothes in it, the dancing, the acting... such a wonderful classic for me!


  17. Thank you so much for keep being a sweet follower for my blog. By the way! It is almost my first year anniversary for my blog and planning to make my own video. I am willing to answer any questions as possible from my readers. If you have any questions about me, my style, or anything. Feel free to ask! If you do have questions for me, please leave a comment and ask there, thank you so much for your time and def coming to your blog again!

    little K.

  18. wow, love dirty dancing so much!

  19. Es una de mis pelis favoritas jejeje

  20. Dirty dancing is such an amazing movie !!!!!

  21. Dirty dancing is one of my favorite movies ever....!!!It would be so so great if we could follow each other.
    Best Regards and weekend wishes.
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  22. Dirty dancing was a milestone movie!

  23. Yup, it's an icon! Great film.

    P.S. I've put you on my blogroll :)

  24. I can't believe you posted this!! Dirty Dancing is my favourite movie of all time!!! I remember the first time I watched it too, and I was immediately in love. I literally have a physical reaction (my heart skips a beat) every time I think about this movie. If I'm ever in a bad mood, I just need to THINK about this movie, and it instantly cheers me up. Oh, the sweet memories. . . . .

    xo Jenny

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